Unrequited Everything

Unrequited Everything

Words: Manns, Music: Whelan. © 2023 Fat Statues.
Your husband says you should put down your phone
and come and eat the dinner you prepared
He thinks that you play too much Candy Crush
So blissfully unaware

Well, I know all the secret things
that you never share with him
I pick you up when you have fallen down
But there's something missing

My unrequited everything
An emotional affair
Between a friendzone and a wedding ring
A desire going nowhere

I'm the one who kisses you goodnight
while he's snoring upstairs
I'm there at 3am when you can't sleep
The only one who cares

We share more texts than kisses
Our seduction is all words
A romance played out on messenger
A love song left unheard

I'm introduced to people as your "friend"
Or am I the other man?
We'd be together in a fairy-tale
But that isn't in your plans

You can have your cake and eat it
but mine's been left out in the rain
I've been hurt so many times before
But here I go again

You vowed to love him, honour and obey
but there are no promises to me
It feels like I'm just here to fix you up
and to keep you company

I know that you have made your choice,
and that choice isn't me
And so you keep me hanging on,
So I cannot be free

“I’m the one who kisses you goodnight”

“We sat down together one night doing a show and tell, playing things that we had written. Ronnie started playing this beautiful tune that he couldn’t get any lyrics or a melody together for.

I instantly clicked with a melody that night, and I already had the title. I sat down and wrote the lyrics over 2 or 3 days, and it was complete by the next weekend.

Being in love with someone you can never possibly be with is something that a lot of people can identify with.”

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